Unfortunately, there have been a rash of shootings lately. Even more unfortunate, these events have precipitated an even greater focus on the controversy of whether citizens should be allowed to own guns. This is particularly unfortunate since guns are not the issue.
The issue, that politicians, certainly, are unwilling to face, is that no amount of regulations will make all people behave all the time. In fact, no law or regulation or policy or impediment or punishment will stop people from doing what they want.
In fact, no force, no threat, no gun, no matter how big or how fast, let alone no amount of guns will compel people to conform to any particular standards.
But, we all know this. It is not a mystery although facing the obvious can oftentimes be very difficult.
The truth is, what the world needs is more love. Love is the universal healer of self, of relationships, of the past and of the present.
There is nothing more important than love.
Real love has to start with oneself. So even if no one else has ever loved you, you must start by loving yourself. Start by recognizing that deep down you do love yourself. You may have been programmed to believe that you are unlovable, that you've done things that make you unlovable, or that you don't deserve to be loved.
But you had to get here somehow-- not your body, but your consciousness (no matter that the followers of the religion of science don't recognize consciousness, even while they continue to measure it in a myriad of ways). How did you get here? How did you come to be here? Well, you decided, of course, that you wanted the opportunity to be here (don't fall into the science believers fallacy of randomness, which is complete blatherskite).
The reason you decided to come here was because you love yourself and you wanted to experience more love. You could have had a hand in a decision to start out your experience in a tough situation, possibly even one seemingly devoid of love. But that could only be because you knew that, experiencing such a situation would ultimately make you more loving.
It is really up to you! Not the politicians, not the gun advocates or the gun opposers, or anybody else. It is up to you to decide if you want to follow through with your initial decision to come here to experience more love.
People who love themselves don't go around shooting other people in frustration.
Let's love ourselves.
Let's love one another.