Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I want to live. 

I want to be alive. 

I came here to feel love and joy and bliss. No matter what, I can choose love and joy and bliss.

If scientists are right, if we are all connected, part of a complete holographic illusion of space and time, where light is both a wave and a particle, then I am that part of God that is the extension of His creativity, His Living Kingdom.

And I am not separate. 

I am not apart and I am not alone. 

I am not abandoned or judged or doomed.

God forgive me.

I am saved.

I am home.

I am the Alpha and the Omega.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Scientists Are Completely Blind--Or So They Tell Us

Plank, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Born, Jordan, Pauli, Fermi, Schrodinger, Dirac, de Broglie, and Bose,

together known as the founding fathers of quantum mechanics or modern physics, were, by definition of their own discoveries and theories, absolutely, completely blind.

How so? Just consider:

1. With all of our sophisticated measuring devices we are still, today only able to detect a tiny, tiny slice of the electromagnetic spectrum of energy, or all that we can conceive exists.

2. Of that tiny, tiny slice which we can detect--approximately 400 billion bits of information that bombard our five senses every second-- we are only able to process about half a millionth of a percent (2,000 bits).

3. Like other phenomena which are currently too inconvenient or difficult to be measured, consciousness is ignored by scientists. They simply are unaware that they are aware.

Clearly this situation exceeds the condition of blindness many, many, many many, many times over! So...


But verily it is our consciousnesses, powered by our brains, that are imaging something--out there, perhaps, or possibly "in here," or maybe holographic, but, miraculously, for each and every one of us, very,very real.

Quantum physicists can prove light is made of particles. They can also prove it is made of waves--EVEN THOUGH THESE CONCEPTS ARE INCOMPATIBLE AND CANNOT BE PROVEN SIMULTANEOUSLY.

How can light be both a particle and a wave? And how can "things" larger than an atom, be only particles, such that quantum field theory is incompatible with classical (Newtonian) mechanics?

Well, here's the million dollar answer, folks:

Waves appear to be be particles, both sub-atomically and super-atomically-- but everything,"big" and "small," is really just part of the SAME WAVE.

That's why in an earthquake, for example, when all is vibrating at the same harmonic frequency of resonance, sand "liquefies" and concrete "rolls" like a bed sheet being shaken out.

Anyone who has ever been in a big earthquake has experienced this--where everything appears to move like the ONE, REALLY BIG WAVE that it is!


Surf's up.

Dive in.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Be Ye Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind

from the Basic English Bible, Romans 12:2:

And let not your behavior be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Story of Another Astral Traveler - Part 1

Is it possible to accidentally land on Earth? Well, that's the story I got from a girl I met in high school. Except she said she wasn't really a girl in high school but only pretending to be.

After months of dropping hints and being questioned, Naria finally told me she was from the planet Cronin on the other side of the universe, where she intended to return as soon as she was able. In the meantime she had taken the place of a human being, a female high school student, who she deemed capable of adjusting to the relatively short-term inconvenience.

She said she was the princess of Cronin, which had been attacked by and was at war with another planet. And it was when she and her father, the leader of Cronin, were travelling in a spaceship to meet with the leaders of the enemy planet to negotiate peace that a rogue enemy vessel attacked Naria's with some kind of weapon that knocked it across the universe, possibly to a different time.

Of all those aboard, only eleven survived the blast and subsequent trip, and Naria's father was not among them. Somehow all those that did survive managed to escape their spaceship and the ocean depths and to be rescued. Naria was picked up by a sea ship which brought her, unconscious, to a hospital on the East Coast of the U.S. But when she regained sufficient wherewithal, she immediately left, knowing full well that the doctors there knew that there was something not quite human about her.

She and the others from Cronin looked human, but they possessed some very unusual traits. Not only did they typically communicate with one another telepathically and were easily able to read minds, but they were also able to assume different physical forms. Shape-shifting took a lot of energy, however, and it wasn't possible to change into just anything. It had to be something of a similar type and size.

Naria's brother, the new leader of Cronin, who had not participated in the peace-seeking mission and had remained on their home planet, was greatly relieved when she was able to contact him telepathically. Together they decided that since Naria was not strong enough to transport herself or to be transported back to Cronin, she would take the place of a human while she healed and that human would go to Cronin in the interim.

So, Jill, an American high school student and one of my classmates, was removed to Cronin while Naria, using her mind-reading abilities, learned what she needed from Jill and took her place. No one close to Jill or anyone else suspected, apparently, what had had happened, though I do remember one particular day, early in the school year, when Jill didn't seem herself. I was blabbing on about something in Biology when I noticed she wasn't paying attention to me at all. Slightly peeved, I got up from my desk and walked across the room to sharpen my pencil. But when I walked back and looked at her I could see that she was utterly baffled, not only by my irritation, but, seemingly, by everything. Yet we were in the middle of class, and I had no way of knowing, let alone guessing, that my friend had been replaced by an alien, so I just dismissed the girl's odd behavior. We were both teenagers after all, and there's probably nothing stranger than a teenager.

"What did you hope to gain," I asked indignantly on Jill's behalf, at one point after Naria had told me her story. And why tell me any of this? I wondered. She thought it would be a great way to learn about Earth, she explained, and, though she hadn't planned on telling me, she said she was told to-- that I would need to know in the future.

In addition to reading minds, Naria could see the future as well as beyond the grave, I had known for some time, before she spilled the beans about her origin. But I had assumed she was a gifted human. After I was exposed to an alternate explanation, I would sometimes call her a creature or an alien to get a rise out of her. But she didn't pick up on the sarcasm at all. My impression was that she had no qualms about her alien status. She simply was not an Earthling. I, on the other hand, was angry and scared, mainly because of the person I was, but also because I knew she was leaving.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guns are Irrelevant

Unfortunately, there have been a rash of shootings lately. Even more unfortunate, these events have precipitated an even greater focus on the controversy of whether citizens should be allowed to own guns. This is particularly unfortunate since guns are not the issue.

The issue, that politicians, certainly, are unwilling to face, is that no amount of regulations will make all people behave all the time. In fact, no law or regulation or policy or impediment or punishment will stop people from doing what they want.

In fact, no force, no threat, no gun, no matter how big or how fast, let alone no amount of guns will compel people to conform to any particular standards.

But, we all know this. It is not a mystery although facing the obvious can oftentimes be very difficult.

The truth is, what the world needs is more love. Love is the universal healer of self, of relationships, of the past and  of the present.

There is nothing more important than love.

Real love has to start with oneself. So even if  no one else has ever loved you, you must start by loving yourself. Start by recognizing that deep down you do love yourself. You may have been programmed to believe that you are unlovable, that you've done things that make you unlovable, or that you don't deserve to be loved.

But you had to get here somehow-- not your body, but your consciousness (no matter that the followers of the religion of science don't recognize consciousness, even while they continue to measure it in a myriad of ways). How did you get here? How did you come to be here? Well, you decided, of course, that you wanted the opportunity to be here (don't fall into the science believers fallacy of randomness, which is complete blatherskite).

The reason you decided to come here was because you love yourself and you wanted to experience more love. You could have had a hand in a decision to start out your experience in a tough situation, possibly even one seemingly devoid of love. But that could only be because you knew that, experiencing such a situation would ultimately make you more loving.

It is really up to you! Not the politicians, not the gun advocates or the gun opposers, or anybody else. It is up to you to decide if you want to follow through with your initial decision to come here to experience more love.

People who love themselves don't go around shooting other people in frustration.

Let's love ourselves.

Let's love one another.