Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Bottom Line

All of us having just recently averted another end-of-the-world scenario (December 21st, 2012), I am inclined to make an assessment of the bottom line: We are all just trying to work good.

And how does this machine best run? Certainly not with sugar or any kind of processed "food products," let alone genetically modified organisms! Well, what about our minds? Does extended exposure to television or any kind of mass media massager offer the best way to sharpen our mental faculties? Hah!

So what do we do?               

We take control!

We must own up to and take control of our OWN eating habits and our OWN thinking habits and our OWN action habits because what we eat we become and what we think we become and what we do we become-- automatically, habitually and unconsciously.

How do we counteract this?    

Conscious, conscientious, and continuous practice!

Practice eating right. You know how, and you can do this: eat less, move more, and mainly eat fruits and vegetables. Don't just splurge on an organic banana instead of a designer coffee once in awhile, but consistently and persistently practice, practice, practice, taking care of your body. You deserve it. Get good at it.

Heed Hippocrates's advice: 

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. 

Be your OWN practitioner. You'll have more time and resources if you don't have to make appointments with and travel to and wait for someone else to "see" you. You'll feel better if you're not experiencing fat or sick. But if you are experiencing fat or sick, be extra, extra nice to yourself because you are in a weakened state and you need extra, extra good care.

If you're not the one person who knows and cares more about you than anyone else, then start being that person! Before you go to someone whose JOB it is to prescribe A PILL,


Do you need that diet drink with formaldehyde-forming aspartame in your system? Or would a relaxing walk help you more to lose weight and feel better? Use your brain, use your mind, utilize that grey matter sitting atop your shoulders. This is your mind, this is your body, this is your life. And as the old Scottish proverb goes:

Be sure to live your life, because you are a long time dead.

So pay attention to what you're thinking. Start with what and who you're listening to. Is it positive? Uplifting? Fair and balanced? Really? Pay attention to what you're watching. Is it beautiful? Is it peaceful? Is it loving? Pay attention to what you're saying, out loud and to yourself, and how it makes you feel. How do you feel right now? Do you feel good? Do you like yourself? Do you remember often that you are equally as valuable as anyone else in the world? Are you respectful? To yourself and everyone else?

YES, YOU! And me. And all of us need to remember to practice good habits of eating and thinking and acting regularly and consistently and persistently with awareness and consciousness until they are our predominant, unconscious habits and patterns. Want a motivator? How about happiness?

Skip that beer. Toss those Doritos in the trash. Turn off the computer. Turn off the TV. Turn off the noise.

Just be still and experience the peace that passeth all understanding. Keep practicing and you will BECOME THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE, the person you know you can be, the person you came here to be.

Turn yourself on.

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